Money & Finance

Money and Finance Journey

It is better to live rich than to die rich – Samuel Johnson

A new version of retirement - the Life
Reignite Method

The Basics

When we start to look into the future and imagine how retirement may work, we need to look at life as a whole. Interestingly though, our first response is to consider finances. At Life Re-ignite, we’re all about making sure that whilst finances are considered, we take a holistic approach, allowing you to actually enjoy the money you’ve put aside. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room and tackle the financial issue head on!

The four key areas you’ll want to address

For beginners

At Life Reignite we look at wealth from four key areas: Money, Employment, Law and Property. These are the areas we focus on attaining financial literacy. To help you on your learning journey, we’ve highlighted these 4 areas, explaining as we go how they relate to your financial future.

Money - is it really everything?

Just follow these simple instructions

When you think about retirement, it’s likely that the first thing you consider is money; how much do I need, will I have enough, how do I prepare financially? Money is a sticky subject and one that causes more anxiety and conflict than almost any other. At LifeReignite we like to look at money as an important issue, but certainly not the only part of your retirement which needs careful thought. A care free retirement requires balance. Life is not so great, after all, if you are wealthy but not well enough to enjoy your healthy bank balance!

Our money strategy

Your guest will appreciate this

At LifeReiginte, we’re all about offering access to well rounded information that doesn’t assume an accountant’s level of knowledge! This means we provide information on topics as ‘basic’ as budgeting, and topics as complex as diversified investing.

Some of the strategies we cover include:

Employment Making work work for you

Have you thought about retirement but feel like you aren’t ready, or maybe never will be ready, to give up work entirely? This is a common feeling among many retirees.

We all know that the traditional view of retirement sees an individual working hard till at least their mid 60’s, then facing a daunting “cold turkey” retirement.
It’s a sad truth that many people face sickness or death shortly after retirement, due to stress.

Our view of retirement is less of a cold turkey approach and more of a gentle walk into retirement

Here are some of the ways we like to transition to retirement:

Retirement – quite literally a walk in the park.

We believe that your retirement should represent a smooth and seamless transition, giving you enough time to stop, smell the roses and enjoy the results of your career to date. To help you do this, Life Reignite covers topics such as:
We know that you are all different. For some, you’ll neither need or want to work beyond a certain age. At Life Reignite, we do however recognise the potential social, physical, mental and financial benefits of maintaining some form of work or business interest.So, for those of you who want to continue working into retirement, you may want to check out some options here (insert link).

Embracing employment changes

Retirement is effectively about change. And, as you know, all change represents opportunity. Leaving one form of work for another means that all sorts of possibilities open up. Perhaps this is the time of your life to start up your own business you’ve been dreaming about or to learn a whole different set of skills. The world really is your oyster!

Looking at the Law, Legals & Wills

As we transition into our retirements, it’s important to make sure that our wills and affairs are all up to date. So many people think that they have a solid will, but have not looked into the laws governing how wills work in Australia.

Did you know, should you get this wrong, your estate can be tied up in costly probate or attract significant taxes for your loved ones?
Navigating these technical and complicated subjects can be daunting. Wills, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship laws are definitely the domain for legal specialists, but in this section we provide some simple to understand information and highlight some of the questions you should be asking – both of your lawyer and yourself.
Our aim is to share some knowledge which sparks you to consider your options and may help you to make the right choices when it comes to your legal affairs surrounding retirement.
Property – TBA
Ready to Reignite your money journey?